1. Zhao H, Yan C, Hu Y, Mu L, Huang K, Li Q, Li X, Tao D, Qin J*. Sphere forming assay vs. organoid culture: Determining long term stemness and the chemoresistant capacity of primary colorectal cancer cells. International Journal of Oncology, 2019 Mar;54(3):893-904.
2. Y.-B. Hu, C. Yan, L. Mu, Y.–L. Mi, H. Zhao, H. Hu, X.-L. Li, D.-D. Tao, Y.-Q. Wu, J.-P. Gong, J.-C. Qin*. Exosomal Wnt-induced dedifferentiation of colorectal cancer cells contributes to chemotherapy resistance. Oncogene 2019 Mar;38(11):1951-1965.(多次入选ESI高被引论文)
3. Mu L, Huang K, Hu Y, Yan C, Li X, Tao D, Gong J, Qin J(*),Small-sized colorectal cancer cells harbor metastatic tumorinitiating cells,oncotarget,2017.12.8 ,8(64):107907~107919,
4. Yan C, Hu Y, Zhang B, Mu L, Huang K, Zhao H, Ma C, Li X, Tao D, Gong J, Qin J(*). The CEA-/lo colorectal cancer cell population harbors cancer stem cells and metastatic cells. Oncotarget. 2016,Dec 6;7(49):80700-80715.
5. Hu Y, Yan C, Mu L, Huang K, Li X, Tao D, Wu Y, Qin J(*). Fibroblast-derived exosomes contribute to chemoresistance through priming cancer stem cells in colorectal cancer. PLoS One, 2015 May 4;10(5):e0125625. (截止2019年12月25日被引用106次,其中被Nature reviews cancer顶级癌症综述杂志引用)
6. Qin J*, Liu X*, Laffin B, Chen X, Choy G, Jeter C, Calhoun-Davis T, Li H, Palapattu GS, Pang S, Lin K, Huang J, Ivanov I, Li W, Suraneni M, Tang DG. The PSA-/lo prostate cancer cell population harbors self-renewing long-term tumor-propagating cells that resist castration. Cell Stem Cell, 2012; 10(5):556-569. (* co-first author) (影响因子25.3)
7. Qin J, Chen H-G, Yan Q, et al. Protein phosphatase-2A is a target of Epigallocatechin-3-Gallate and modulates p53-Bak apoptotic pathway. Cancer Res, 2008; 68(11): 4150-62. (影响因子8.6)