- 个人简介
主持国家自然科学基金项目1项,第二/第三申请人参与国家自然科学基金项目3项。以第一作者和通讯作者发表SCI论文5篇,其中1篇发表于肿瘤学顶级杂志Journal of the National Cancer Institute(JNCI)上,影响因子>12分,发表杂志影响因子累计超过20分,并发表多篇国内权威期刊和核心期刊杂志。多次以口头报告或展板等形式参与国际学术会议交流,在美国心血管协会年会及欧洲移植大会上做过口头报告发言。参于编写《器官移植学》等多部专著。
- 教育工作经历
- 已结题科研项目
- 在研项目
- 指导研究生获得奖励
- 代表学术论文
1. Xie L*, Hu D, Qin H, Zhang W, Zhang S, Feng Y, Yao H, Xiao Y, Yao K, Huang X. In vivo gum arabic-coated tetrahydrobiopterin protects against myocardial ischemia reperfusion injury by preserving enos coupling. Life sciences. 2019.
2. Xie L, Jiang FC, Zhang LM, He WT, Liu JH, Li MQ, Zhang X, Xing S, Guo H, Zhou P*. Targeting of myd88 homodimerization by novel synthetic inhibitor tj-m2010-5 in preventing colitis-associated colorectal cancer. Journal of the National Cancer Institute. 2016.
3. Xie L*, Tang Q, Yang L, Chen L. Insulin-like growth factor i promotes oocyte maturation through increasing the expression and phosphorylation of epidermal growth factor receptor in the zebrafish ovary. Molecular and cellular endocrinology. 2016.
4. Xie L, Talukder MA, Sun J, Varadharaj S, Zweier JL*. Liposomal tetrahydrobiopterin preserves enos coupling in the post-ischemic heart conferring in vivo cardioprotection. Journal of molecular and cellular cardiology. 2015.
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